Shepherds Crag, Borrowdale (76)

Callout Date: 10/08/2022
Callout Time: 2:13 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, GNAAS, NWAS

A couple had just set up a top rope to practice placing gear on a rock climb at the top of Shepherds Crag. On the descent scramble the man took a tumble, falling a short distance but landing badly causing a bad lower arm fracture. After a call for assistance from the climbing partner Keswick MRT and the Helimed 58 deployed to the scene. After some strong analgesia, wound dressing and splinting the climber managed to walk assisted to the road where an awaiting ambulance took him to Carlisle hospital. Many thanks to GNAAS for responding.

14 team members – 2 hours



Galleny Force, Langstrath (75)
Black Moss Pot, Langstrath (77)