High Pike (18)

Callout Date: 26/03/2023
Callout Time: 3:56 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT

Whilst descending from High Pike, near the end of an accompanied 10 mile fell walk, a spritely 75 year old woman slipped on wet muddy ground and twisted her replacement knee and was unable to continue. It’s not often we get a call to the Caldbeck Fells at the ‘Back o’ Skiddaw’ and with the bonus of being able to drive along the mine track from Calebreck leaving us just a 15 minute uphill hike to the casualty. The casualty’s knee was examined by a team doctor and strapped up before helping her onto a stretcher for a smooth sledge ride down the grassy slopes to the team vehicles. The woman was then taken to the group’s vehicle nearby.

11 team members – 2 hour 59 minutes

Falcon Crag (17)
Barf (19)