Maiden Moor (29)

Callout Date: 13/04/2023
Callout Time: 2:25 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, GNAAS

A 64 year old man was found lying near the path close to Bull Crag on Maiden Moor apparently having been lying there for some time. The informant called the police who then alerted Mountain Rescue. The man was inadequately dressed for the conditions and was very cold. The informant was able to put more clothes on the man before helping him into a survival bag. To prevent further heat loss and encourage re-warming the informant was asked to climb into the survival bag as well which he selflessly did. In light of the potentially serious nature of this callout the Great North Air Ambulance was requested to assist. Whilst the team were making their way up from Hause Gate Helimed 58 was able to land close to the casualty in very tricky flying conditions, do a quick pick up before flying back down to the valley to meet up with a team doctor who was able to do an assessment. The man was then transferred to Keswick Hospital for further assessment. Many thanks to GNAAS Helimed 58 for a very quick response.

25 Team members – 2 hours 17 minutes

Sharp Edge (28)
Sourmilk Gill (30)