Scafell Pike (47)

Callout Date: 30/05/2023
Callout Time: 6:30 am
Agencies Involved: Wasdale MRT, Keswick MRT, Lake District Mountain Rescue Search Dogs

A lone walker had set off from Seathwaite at 14:30 on 29th May to ascend Scafell Pike via the Corridor Route. On her return she contacted the Police as she was concerned about being able to safely get back to Seathwaite before dark as she had no torch. The Police contacted Wasdale MRT who advised that she descend by the shortest route which was down to Wasdale on the tourist path. Contact was subsequently lost. Wasdale got in touch with Keswick MRT to alert us to a potential search. As the walker was uninjured and temperatures were above freezing it was agreed to wait until morning before initiating a search should she still be missing. The following morning the Police confirmed the walkers car was still at Seathwaite and so both Wasdale and Keswick commenced team call-outs. Whilst the team was assembling the walker contacted Wasdale MRT to confirm she was safe and back at her car. Rob and search dog Brock had left earlier to start the search to take advantage of the cooler temperatures, as the rest of the day was forecast too hot for the search dogs, were subsequently stood down.

6 team members – 57 minutes

Derwentwater (46)
Whinlatter (48)