Ruddy Gill, Seathwaite Fell

Callout Date: 14/07/2024
Callout Time: 2:35 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, Cockermouth MRT, NWAS

Whilst descending Ruddy Gill by Seathwaite Fell a lone walker tripped causing a painful ankle injury. A passerby called for assistance and waited with the casualty for the arrival of MR. With Keswick low on numbers Cockermouth MRT, who were training nearby, sent a team to help with the stretcher carry. Pain relief was provided and the ankle splinted. The woman was then sledged & carried down to Seathwaite to an awaiting ambulance.

The team were back at base by 18:30 so managed to tidy up and get back home/pub to watch a stressful football match. Unfortunately the casualty had an evening in A&E. We wish her a swift recovery.

Many thanks to the passing walker and to Cockermouth MRT for the help.

3 hours 47 minutes

Hall’s Fell, Blencathra (74)