Pre-probationer hill day January 2025
Once again the weather cooperated in the annual hill assessment day for prospective new team members. The point of the day is to test the candidates in the fells to ensure they have the necessary experience, fitness and skills required to look after themselves and not be a burden to the team in the commonly inclement conditions we are required to go out in.
The six candidates were split into three groups and were accompanied by existing team members to take different routes up into Combe Gill with a rendezvous at Combe Door at 16:30. This year we deliberately had a later start to add the challenge of operating in night conditions.
Conditions from the start were challenging with persistent snow and limited visibility. The prospective new team members were tested on movement over steep ground, navigation and decision making over terrain that is typical of our normal area of operation. As night fell and the snow continued to pile up underfoot navigation became even more difficult. The six candidates all seemed to be comfortable in this environment, successfully navigating to all points including getting us all safely back off the hill. The six will now be invited to attend training evenings over the next 3 months to get to know us and for us to show them what being in Keswick Mountain Rescue Team involves. We look forward to spending more time with them over the next few weeks.