Hind Gill (45)

Callout Date: 28/05/2023
Callout Time: 11:03 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT

The police received a call from Seathwaite public phone box from an informant who had seen repeated flashing of a torch and whistle blasts giving a distress signal. The recognised international distress signal is 6 short flashes of a torch or blasts of a whistle repeated at one minute intervals.

A small team went to investigate. A search dog and handler were first on scene and walked up the side of Hind Gill where the signals had been detected. Other team members approached with casualty care medical bag, shelter and some basic rigging equipment not knowing exactly what they were going to. A couple were found by the search dog in the deep steep-sided gully unable to get out. A team member descended on a rope into the gully to help attach harnesses and helmets before the pair were able to climb out with the safety of a rope from above.

Once out of the gully the full story emerged: After climbing Scafell Pike via the Corridor Route the pair returned by another route and were given instructions by a passer by on the best way to return to Seathwaite. Somewhere on the descent, by a heart-shaped rock, the man proposed to his partner who happily accepted. They continued down but perhaps with their minds elsewhere they took a wrong turn and ended up towards Glaramara. Realising they needed to be down in the valley they attempted to descend Hind Gill…..

The other twist to this tale is the holidaying informant who called this in from the Seathwaite phone box, was also the informant on callout 30 back in April on his previous holiday visit! Now that is something to be proud of.

7 team members – 2 hours 47 minutes


Hall’s Fell, Blencathra (44)
Derwentwater (46)