Cam Crag Ridge (20)

Callout Date: 01/04/2023
Callout Time: 5:00 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, RAF Leeming MRT, Coast Guard R199

A 31 year old man was scrambling up Cam Crag Ridge with friends when near the top he slipped and fell 3-4m landing awkwardly and breaking his ankle. Two members of their party raced off to find phone reception in order to call 999 for a rescue. In light of the remote and tricky location as well as the late hour the Coast Guard was called for helicopter assistance. RAF Leeming Mountain Rescue were also in the area doing training and they were happy to come and help. The team approached via Stonethwaite and Langstrath (the name means ‘long valley’) with a relay for radio set up near Fairy Glen. Team members were just arriving at the casualty site as Coast Guard Rescue 199 from Prestwick arrived. A paramedic was lowered to the casualty and the patient assessed. The man was given strong pain relief before his ankle was reduced (re-aligned) and splinted. The casualty was then carried a short distance to a more suitable spot for a winch into the helicopter for onward transfer to Carlisle Infirmary. Thanks once again to Rescue 199 and the members of RAF Leeming for coming to our assistance.

13 Keswick, 13 RAF Leeming team members – 4 hours

Barf (19)
Sprinkling Tarn (21)