Catbells (131)

Callout Date: 16/11/2024
Callout Time: 12:40 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT

A 58 year old woman slipped whilst descending Catbells falling heavily on her wrist. Unable to move without excruciating pain they were a bit stuck until a passer by called 999 and asked for mountain rescue help. Another passer by from Northumberland Mountain Rescue Team helped out with a group shelter and heat blanket, many thanks to him. The team approached via the Hause Gate path, assessed the casualty, gave pain relief and splinted up the likely broken wrist. Suitably numbed with analgesia and with her arm immobilised the woman was able to walk down with help from a team member.

13 team members – 2 hours 25 minutes

Helvellyn (130)
Crag Hill (132)