Eagle Crag (39)

Callout Date: 01/05/2023
Callout Time: 5:08 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, GNAAS, Coast Guard Helicopter

A call came from an informant that a walker had fallen 25 feet on the rocky descent from Eagle Crag between Langstrath and Greenup. The injuries according to the informant included confusion, concussion and an injured ankle.

Given the potentially serious nature of the injuries, Helimed 58 from GNAAS were tasked. However, on assessment by a team doctor it was decided that winching capabilities were more important due to the difficulty of a stretcher evacuation, and the person’s injuries, whilst painful, were not life threatening. Helimed was stood down and a coastguard helicopter requested. The casualty was given pain relief, packaged and airlifted to Carlisle Infirmary.

16 team members – 4 hours 14 minutes


Castle Crag (38)
Shepherd’s Crag (40)