Goat Crag (60)

Incident No: 60
Date: 29th July 2015
Time: 17:15
Location: Goat Crag
Incident Details: Two inexperienced walkers attempted to descend from the High Spy – Maiden Moor ridge direct towards Hollows Farm. They got into a gully which looked to be a possible descent route, but then got to a steep section which they could not get down, but neither could they retreat. The situation was further complicated by the fact that they had no map. However, with some careful questioning, it became clear that they could actually see the Allerdale Ramble path, and were probably close to Goat Crag. After a bit of shouting, observing, and hunting by Team members, they were eventually located in a crag section just above the Hollow Stone.The Team then took up the necessary rope kit, and recovered them to safe ground.
17 Team members – 2 hours 40 minutes.