Great End (16)

Callout Date: 04/03/2018
The Team were alerted to an incident at Great End, where a 53 year old male had slipped and fallen approximately 100m, striking a rock as he came to a halt. He suffered an isolated injury to his ankle, which rendered him immobilised. Given the height of the incident and the weather conditions, the Team requested that the Air Ambulance attend to speed up evacuation. However, the cloud base was below the casualty site but the aircraft was able to assist by ferrying up four Team members (one a paramedic) and some of the necessary kit most of the way, which halved the time it took to get on scene. They were able to treat the casualty and get him ready for evacuation, so once the rest of the Team assembled, they were able to evacuate the casualty by sledging swiftly down the stretcher route to White Bridge. The casualty’s son offered to drive him to hospital, and the Team then returned to base to clear up.
22 members – 4 hours 17 minutes