Brown Cove Crags, Helvellyn (115)

Callout Date: 12/10/2024
Callout Time: 4:31 pm
Agencies Involved: RAF Leeming MRS, Keswick MRT, NWAS

A passing walker reported that a competitor in an ultra running event was becoming seriously hypothermic on the Helvellyn ridge. The walker attempted to accompany the runner down the fell but the man was deteriorating and eventually was unable to continue. RAF Leeming Mountain Rescue Service who were training nearby were asked to attend and they sent up a hasty party with hypothermia kit followed by further members of their team. Keswick team, after just finishing the last call out, followed with specialist equipment should the casualty deteriorate further. On arrival Leeming found the man was in and out of consciousness but managed to stabilise him, and get him packaged for a stretcher carry off the hill to an ambulance. As this was underway the teams met another hypothermic runner who was being helped by a fellow competitor. After being provided with warm clothing he was fortunately able to continue walking down with the team back to the vehicles.

Many thanks to RAF Leeming and to the passing walker and fellow competitor preventing what could have been a tragic outcome.

14 RAF Leeming + 9 Keswick team members – 3 hours 28 minutes

Ullock Pike (114)
Manesty Park, Derwentwater (116)