Keskadale (9)

Incident No: 9
Date: 15th February 2016
Time: 15:44
Location: Above Keskadale
A lady, walking down from Ard Crags with friends, suffered an ankle injury. She tried to continue, but eventually came to a stop about 250 m above Keskadale Farm. Both Keswick and Cockermouth Teams were alerted, but as we were closer, and quicker off the mark, we got to do it! A lead Land Rover with 5 members set off along the Newlands valley, whilst a local Team member also attended. An ambulance was already on scene, so it was then just a case of sledging the casualty down to the road on a stretcher. Other members stood by at base in case further personnel were needed. The casualty was transferred to the ambulance, and taken to the West Cumberland Hospital for treatment.
10 Team members – 1 hour 40 minutes