Lonscale Fell (94)

Callout Date: 20/08/2024
Callout Time: 2:28 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, NWAS

A 27 year old fell runner was out training for the Dragon’s Back, a multi-day 380km race in Wales! Near the top of Lonscale Fell he had a momentary lapse of concentration and stumbled, deeply gashing his shin on a sharp rock. The man managed to hobble down for a short distance before stiffness forced him to stop. Thank you to the passing couple who were carrying a first aid kit and managed to very effectively strap up his wound. One of them stayed with the man whilst the other descended a little way to help guide the rescue team. The team provided shelter, inspected his wound, administered some pain relief and re-dressed the wound with something less adhesive than the man’s jumper! In light of the serious nature of the injury an ambulance was called and was waiting at the Gale Road car park on Latrigg by the time the team had stretchered the man down.

12 team members – 2 hours 47 minutes

Beckthorns/Calfhow Pike (93)
Catbells (95)