Maiden Moor (41)

Incident No: 41
Date: 24th June 2017
Time: 16:27
Location: Maiden Moor
Incident Details: A 31 year old lady walking on a charity event, twisted her knee between Maiden Moor and Cat Bells, and was unable to weight bear. The Team set off to to Skelghyll, and then used the access track to get as far as Yewthwaite Mines. The crew of this vehicle set off with the necessary kit, while a second truck went to the Hawse Gate side of the hill. Team members were on scene at the casualty after about 50 minutes, and having splinted her knee and given her some pain-killing gas, they began to evacuate her down to the Landrover, being joined by the crew of the second vehicle en route. She was then taken by Landrover to Littletown Farm where she was transferred to an NWAS ambulance for onward transport to the Cumberland Infirmary.
15 Team members – 2 hour 32 minutes.