Scaleclose Coppice (48)

Incident No: 48
Date: 16th July 2017
Time: 15:13
Location: Allerdale Ramble above Scaleclose Coppice
Incident Details: The Team were alerted to this incident by the Police, but full details had not been taken as the call cut out part way through. A lady walking wih her partner had suffered an ankle injury and was unable to weight bear, but the location was somewhere on the Allerdale Ramble near Seatoller. The first Team vehicle set off to Seatoller, with the intention that the second vehicle would go to the Grange end of the path to search from that point. However, the Control managed to SARLOC the casualty, which placed her near to Scaleclose Coppice. The second vehicle then went to Rosthwaite, while the first group located the patient, administered analgesia, and then splinted the leg. The two group then carried her down to Rosthwaite, and because there was no ambulance immediately available, she was transported to Keswick Hospital to rendezvous with an NWAS ambulance. She was taken on to the Cumberland Infirmary for treatment.
15 Team members – 2 hours 26 minutes.