Seathwaite Fell (77)

Callout Date: 20/07/2024
Callout Time: 5:41 pm
Agencies Involved: Langdale-Ambleside MRT, Keswick MRT, RAF Leeming MRS, Search and Rescue Dogs Association, Coastguard helicopter R199, Cumbria Police

Keswick team along with RAF Leeming, who were training in the Lakes, were asked to assist Langdale-Ambleside MRT in a search for a high risk despondent male. Keswick were tasked with the area around Seathwaite Fell including Styhead and Sprinkling Tarns. Later in the evening further information came to light suggesting the man was most likely in the Langdale area. Keswick having completed their tasking returned to base. In the early hours RAF Leeming located the man and walked him off the hill.

13 Keswick team members – 6 hours 49 minutes

Ruddy Gill, Seathwaite Fell (76)
Fisherplace Gill (78)