Sinen Gill (15)

Incident No: 15
Date: 15th March 2015
Time: 16:21
Location: Sinen Gill
Incident Details: The Team was called to assist a 21 year old female student who had the misfortune to suffer an ankle injury whilst on a university geological expedition. Two vehicles attended, along with team members from RAF Leeming MRT who were in the area, using the track which leads towards Skiddaw House from the Blencathra Centre. The patient was given Entonox for the pain, and then loaded on to a stretcher and carried down to the team vehicles for transport to a point where she could be transferred to an NWAS ambulance. She was then traken to the Cumberland Infirmary for treatment.
14 Team members + RAF Leeming members – 2 hours 10 minutes