Sprinkling Tarn (21)

Callout Date: 03/04/2023
Callout Time: 11:01 am
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, GNAAS, Penrith MRT

A father and his 10 year old son were enjoying amazing fine conditions wild camping near Sprinkling Tarn on Seathwaite Fell when the son became quite sick in the early hours of the morning. Being well prepared campers who were in the habit of being away from a phone signal they had access to an international alert system which they activated immediately giving their location. Further text communications gave brief details of the nature of the incident. The team were contacted by the North West Ambulance Service but with limited details, and contradictory location messages – the information (not from the casualty’s father) said they were in a forest – it was difficult to decide how to respond. After the alert system headquarters in the USA were contacted the location was confirmed and a small team was despatched. Considering the boy had been ill for some time and the length of time required for a possible stretcher carry the Great North Air Ambulance (GNAAS) was asked to respond. Due to low Keswick team numbers Penrith MRT were requested to be on standby in case there was a need for a stretcher carry. Helimed 58 from Langwathby arrived close by shortly before the arrival of our party who assisted the casualty to walk to the aircraft. Father and son were airlifted to Seathwaite in Borrowdale and advised to visit their doctor. Many thanks to GNAAS for their assistance and Penrith MRT for being on standby.

NOTE: When giving a casualty location, on top of a grid reference always include a physical description of the the location, in this case Sprinkling Tarn, as until rescue teams are sure of the location they cannot deploy.

11 team members – 4 hours 4 mins

Cam Crag Ridge (20)
Gillercomb Head, Green Gable (22)