Helvellyn Lower Man (15)

Callout Date: 03/06/2021
Callout Time: 1:43 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, NWAS

A team of five 17 year old females accompanied by two supervisors were on their last day of a five day, four night D of E  gold training expedition when one of them stumbled and went over on her ankle at the start of the descent from Lower Man, Helvellyn. Hearing a ‘pop’ and suffering instant pain on her fall, the student was unable to continue and one of the supervisors called 999 for help. Keswick sent two vehicles with a total of nine team members to assist. On arrival at the scene the well-equipped and very upbeat group were warm and protected in the fly sheet of one of their tents from the cold mist and drizzle. A team member examined the injury, gave pain relief, padded and then splinted the ankle before the she was loaded onto a stretcher for a long carry and sled back to Swirls car park to an awaiting ambulance.

11 team members – 4 hours 30 minutes

Whinlatter Forest (14)
Whinlatter (16)