Glaramara (84)

Callout Date: 01/09/2023
Callout Time: 10:57 am
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT, NWAS

A Duke of Edinburgh group were descending a little ‘off piste’, and down steepish ground, when one accidentally dislodged a boulder which hit the head of another a few metres below. The impact caused a gash on the head which they bandaged (very well) while others in the group called for assistance. On arrival a Keswick team medic examined the wound, provided pain relief, and applied a further bandaged and strapping. Fortunately the casualty was able to get to her feet and walk off the steep ground with the protection of a back rope and team member support. Once back at the road a land ambulance crew completed a further examination prior to a transfer to hospital.

After a short rest the remainder of the DoE group were back on the hill to finish their gold award task for the day.

14 team members – 3 hours 33 minutes

Catbells (83)
Blencathra (85)