Barkbethdale (103)

Incident No: 103
Date: 18th October 2015
Time: 17:06
Location: Barkbethdale – Broad End
Incident Details: A lady walking with her partner, damaged her ankle and was unable to continue. The Team set off to Barkbethdale with two vehicles full of personnel. As you can see, a Landrover, good as it is, doesn’t always get you there ! Fortunately, GNAA Helimed 58 was on the case, despite the steepness of the terrain, and was able to put down about 600m from the casualty. The Team continued on foot to assist with the carry, but with darkness approaching, the Helimed crew managed get the casualty to the aircraft, and advised the Team leader that the Team could stand down. In the meantime, the local farm had supplied a quad to extract the Landrover – for which assistance many thanks ! Thanks also to Helimed – saved us a long carry.
15 Team members – 2 hour 8 minutes.