Base Brown (22)

Incident No: 2
Date: 15th April 2017
Time: 14:57
Location: Base Brown
Incident Details: A 24 year old man, walking on Base Brown, was blown down into a gully by a gust of wind, suffering ankle and wrist injuries. The Team immediately despatched a lead Landrover, and three local Team members in the Rosthwaite area deployed direct to Seathwaite farm. A second vehicle brought further team members to assist. The casualty was located about a 100 metres above the path that runs through Gillercombe. The North West Air Ambulance, which was just finishing a job in the south of the county, offered to assist, and despite gusty winds, managed to land some distance away on the ground towards Honister. The casualty was then carried uphill, loaded aboard, and flown to Furness General Hospital for treatment. Team members were recovered from Honister Pass, which was now the nearest road access point.
16 Team members – 2 hours 24 minutes