Helvellyn (17)

Callout Date: 10/03/2018
A group of 5 relatively inexperienced youngsters from East Anglia set off up Helvellyn at midday, and arrived at the summit shelter at 5 pm, in poor weather and visibility. One of the party was suffering quite badly with the cold and wet, and they decided to put up a bivvi shelter, and try to get her warm. However, as all of them were wet, they all began to suffer from the cold, and at 20.40 p,m they requested assistance, as they did not think they could get their casualty off the hill. The Team turned out promptly, taking all relevant equipment to cope with hypothermic casualties, and the first Team members were on scene at 22.50. With extra dry clothing and food, both casualty and group were able to move, and were then walked off through the snow down to Swirls Car Park. By the time they were down, the casualty was feeling much better, and they were able to meet up with their transport –
hopefully somewhat wiser for their experience. The Team then returned to base to clear up and then go home.
16 Team members – 4 hours 18 minutes