Robinson (22)

Incident No: 22
Date: 8th April 2016
Time: 15:34
Location: Robinson
A 62 year old man, walking with a family group, slipped and fell approximately 35 metres into a gully whilst descending the north side of Robinson. He suffered serious multiple injuries in the fall, and the Team scrambled two vehicles of personnel immediately, with a third to follow. At the same time, a request was made for air support, and both Great North Air Ambulance and Rescue 999 from Prestwick responded. The Team were on scene within 50 minutes, and the air ambulance joined them swiftly. Because of the casualty’s location, it became clear that the best course of action would be for the Coastguard helicopter to winch the casualty from the scene, and then land close to the Air Ambulance so that the casualty could be transferred. The casualty would then have the benefit of the expert medical support available on the Air Ambulance. Team members assisted with the transfer between the aircraft, and the patient was then airlifted to the Cumberland Infirmary for further treatment. The Team wishes to express its gratitude to both aircrews for their prompt response, as it saved a large amount of time and effort in recovering the casualty, and gave him the best possible chance of a good outcome.
18 Team members – 3 hours 5 minutes