Sharp Edge (99)

Incident No: 99
Date: 31st December 2017
Time: 12:38
Location: Sharp Edge, Blencathra
Incident Details: A couple who decided to descend Sharp Edge in winter conditions left the edge itself, and attempted to take a route directly down to the tarn, over a series of icy rock ledges and snow covered grass patches. As they didn’t have the necessary winter equipment, they became cragfast some 60m below the ridgeline. Unfortunately for them – and us -, there was no passer by to help them out this time (as there had been on Incident 98) so they ended up sitting it out in the cold for a couple of hours. The Team in that time had turned out, flogged up to Sharp Edge and rigged the crag to get them off, which took another hour.
How many times do we need to make the point that winter conditions on any high Lake District fell mean you need the proper kit – ice axe, crampons and proper clothing ? (i.e Not jeans!)
11 Team members – 3 hours 39 minutes.