Sprinkling Tarn, Seathwaite (76)

Callout Date: 26/10/2019
Callout Time: 9:20 pm
Agencies Involved: Keswick MRT

A young male german hiker was camped on the side of Sprinkling Tarn on a wild night when his mountain tent caught the full force of a sudden gust rolling over the tent, sending the man flying and braking the tent poles. He called 999 and asked for Mountain Rescue assistance. An experienced and competent walker and in no immediate danger he was purely asking for advice on the best possible route to descend to a suitable shelter for the night. The man was given directions to get to Grains Ghyll and advised to drop down to Seathwaite. Meantime enquiries were made to find possible local accommodation with the excellent result from the farmer at Seathwaite of an offer of an unoccupied teepee. A small team went out to meet the man above Seathwaite to make sure he was OK and show him to his teepee. The man was rather chuffed with his new accommodation under the circumstances and very grateful for the team’s help.

4 team members – 1 hour 30 minutes

Castle Crag (75)
Honister via ferrata, Feetwith Pike (77)