Glaramara (61)

Incident No: 61
Date: 2nd August 2016
Time: 15:38
Location: Glaramara
Incident Details: Two ladies, aged 68 and 75, called for assistance when they became lost in mist on the Glaramara ridge, couldn’t find a way off and were exhausted. Given that conditions were deteriorating, one Team of rescuers with a search dog set off immediately to search up Hind Ghyll, whilst a second group, also with a search dog, set off a bit later to search up from Mountain View towards Combe Ghyll. Shortly after this group got going, the ladies were found by Search Dog Rona near Combe Head. The 2nd group continued up to offer assistance, when it became apparent from whistles in the vicinity of the first incident, that there was another group in difficulties. This second group of Team members was then diverted to Seathwaite to assist, and the two exhausted ladies were escorted down to Mountain View, where they were picked up by a Team vehicle and driven round to their car which was at Seathwaite. They had been on the hill 10 hours at this point.
13 Team members – 3 hours 19 minutes.