Sharp Edge (32)

Incident No: 32
Date: 13th May 2017
Time: 14.06
Location: Blencathra – Sharp Edge
Incident Details: Two 19 year old males requested assistance after they got off route on Sharp Edge and became cragfast, with one of them in a very precarious position. The Team responded swiftly, with the first vehicle setting off for the nearest access at Mousthwaite Comb within 12 minutes, and a second following shortly afterwards. Other members went direct. Because of the condition of the most vulnerable casualty, a Coastguard helicopter was requested to see if the casualties could be winched direct from their position. But once on scene, it was decided that the downwash from the aircraft might dislodge them, so the helicopter lifted a group of Team members with rigging kit to the top of Blencathra, and two Team members down climbed on steep ground, and assisted the casualties to safety. Spot the red jacket in direct line below the figure on the skyline !After a quick checkover, the two lads went on their way, and the Team returned to their vehicles to make their way home.
15 Team members – 3 hours 04 minutes.